
Friday, October 7, 2011

Burning Bright

You ever see a film where you think they just put the script together out of clichés and the thoughts of a twelve year-old? Well, if not, watch Burning Bright. It's a thriller about a girl getting ready to start college and her autistic brother. She is ready to put him into a special-needs home when her account is emptied of the money that her dead mother left her. She questions her step-father about it to find out that he has recently purchased a tiger for his safari inn. Now add a tropical storm- the tiger getting lose in the house with the girl and her brother- and you get your plot. Also for good measure, add a lame twist. Now- was it good, bad, or “so bad it's good”? It was bad. The film tries to be original with a tiger, but that is it's only new idea. It plays itself off like a slasher film and it doesn't work, because well…it's a freaking tiger! Ok, so, let's run through some issues with this film. To start, the slasher clichés: girl stuck in a house with a killer...animal, throughout 90% of the film she wears nothing but a tank top and booty shorts and a shameful twist. Those are only some of the clichés - trust me, there are way more. Then, the other problems: the autistic boy is only there for the girl to tiptoe around the cat trying to find him adding in "suspense", instead of being an emotional backbone to this boring lead. See those quotation marks? They are there because much like most PG-13 horror films, it lacks all suspense. You know these two kids aren't going to die, because it's PG-13 and that would just be way to dark for twitards to handle. This film features so many illogical moments that you actually start wishing for the kids to be eaten. Also, I do firmly believe that the twist is only there to give at least one kill to the film.

Overall: 3/10 - if you like tween-slasher films, then you may enjoy this film slightly. It isn't really a slasher, but uses so many tropes you wonder if the tiger was only there because someone's twelve year-old thought it would be fun. Basically, it's a train wreck from start to finish.

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