
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Laid to rest

The slasher film genre is cliched. Well isn't that an understatement, slasher films have been around forever. Well since the late 1970's at least. Give a psycho killer a mask, a knife and you have a set up for a slasher film. Throw a backstory of a troubled kid and theres your Halloween money maker.

Slasher films have rules. First off sex=death if your a virgin you alive til the end. Second if you leave your group at any time your going to be violated by a knife at some point. Put those together and you have every main character in a modern slasher film.

Once and a while a film comes along that disregards those rules and just cuts up its cast members.

Laid to rest

Plot: A nameless women awakes in a coffin, she soon finds she's not alone. There's a silver skilled masked man with a camera on his shouler in the building. Along the way everyone she meets in violently murdered,with the mysteries of her life are revealed.

Review: Laid to rest is your typical slasher in most ways. One big difference is the rules don't really apply. No sex is had, which is pretty amazing seeing as sex is major in most slasher films. The alone rule still applies though. Now what most slasher films are about is the kills the gorier the better. In that aspect this is the holy grail. This is a gore film through and through. The story does it's job bring you in logical ways from kill to kill, but there aren't many surprises here. The kills really steal the show so you quickly focus on the gore not the story.

Overall: 7/10 A gore film through and through, luckily chrome skull is good enough villain that can't wait to see how he kills the next.

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